What is Fair Market Value and How is it Determined?

Fair market value is the price that a willing buyer of the property would pay to a willing seller. If the government wants to take your whole property, you are entitled to its fair market value, as determined by appraisal. If only part of the property is being taken, you are entitled to the difference between the fair market value of the whole property before the taking and the fair market value of the remaining land after the taking, taking into account any damage to the value of that remaining property by the condemnation of the other portion of the land.


The North Carolina Advocates for Justice Annual Convention is June 16-18th in Charlotte, NC this year! The Odom Firm is a sponsor for this event. Tommy Odom will be presenting the Eminent Domain case and statutory law updates from May 21, 2018 to Jun… Read More
The North Carolina Advocates for Justice Eminent Domain Section CLE Seminar is back this Spring after 2 years! Tommy Odom is a featured presenter at the Eminent Domain CLE Seminar on May 12, 2022 in Raleigh, NC. Tommy will discuss “Gas Pains – De… Read More
Each year, North Carolina Lawyers Weekly publishes an annual review of the top verdicts and settlements obtained in North Carolina. The Odom Firm’s $8,300,000 settlement with the City of Charlotte for the acquisition of land near the airport ra… Read More
Tommy Odom, with former NC Supreme Court Justice Robert N. Hunter, Jr., has planned the NC Bar Association 2020 Constitutional Rights and Responsibilities Section CLE titled “COVID-19 v. The Constitution: The New Normal?” Tommy invites al… Read More